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Direct Tax
Income Tax Act
Wealth Tax Act
Income Declaration Scheme 2016
Indirect Tax
Service Tax(Finance Act, 1994)
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
The Central Excise Act, 1944
Customs Act, 1962
Entry Tax Act
Corporate Laws
Companies Act, 2013
Companies Act, 1956
SEBI Act, 1992
VAT Laws
Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004
MVAT Act, 2002
West Bengal VAT Act, 2003
Tamilnadu VAT ACT, 2006
Karnataka Value Added Tax Act, 2003
Gujarat Value Added Tax Act, 2003
UP VAT Act, 2008
Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003
Punjab Value Added Tax Act
Haryana Value Added Tax Act
Telangana VAT Act 2005
Andhra Pradesh VAT Act, 2005
Bihar Value Added Tax Act, 2005
Other Statutes
ESI Act, 1948
PF Act, 1952
Profession Tax Act
The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Societies Registration Act, 1860
Competition Act, 2002
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
MRTP Act, 1969
Equalisation Levy Act, 2016
Right To Information Act, 2005
FEMA, 1999
Maharashtra RERA
RERA, 2016
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Benami Property Act 1988
GST Laws
IGST Act , 2017
CGST Tax Act, 2017
UTGST Act, 2017
GST (Compensation to States) Act
Direct Tax Rules
Income Tax Rules
Wealth Tax Rules 1957
Income Declaration Scheme Rules 2016
Indirect Tax Rules
GST Valuation Rules , 2016
Service Tax Rules
CST (Delhi) Rules, 2005
CST (Maharashtra) Rules
Customs Valuation Rules
Cenvat Credit Rules, 2017
Entry Tax Rules
Corporate Laws Rules
Companies Rules, 2014
LLP Rules, 2009
LLP Winding up Rules, 2012
Cos Unpaid Dividend Rules, 1978
VAT Laws Rules
Delhi VAT Rules, 2005
Maharashtra VAT Rules, 2005
West Bengal VAT Rules, 2005
Tamilnadu VAT Rules, 2007
Karnataka VAT Rules, 2005
Gujarat VAT Rules, 2006
Uttar Pradesh VAT Rules, 2008
Rajasthan VAT Rules, 2006
Punjab VAT Rules
Haryana VAT Rules, 2003
Telangana VAT Rules 2005
Andhra Pradesh VAT Rules, 2005
Bihar Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
Other Statutes
Profession Tax Rules
NBFC Deposits Directions, 1998
NBFC & Misc NBC (Advt) Rules, 1977
NBFC Auditor Report Directions, 2008
Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1997
Cost records and audit Rules, 2014
Baggage Rules, 2016
Equalisation Levy Rules, 2016
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Rules
Benami Property Rules, 2016
GST Rules
CGST Rules, 2017
IGST Rules 2017
Income Tax Forms
ROC Forms (Cos Act, 2013)
ROC Forms (Cos Act, 1956)
Income Declaration Forms
Wealth Tax Forms
Service Tax Forms
Companies Unpaid Dividend Forms
NBFCs Forms
LLP Winding up
FEMA Forms
LLP Forms
CGST Forms
GST Forms
Accounts and Records
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Input Tax Credit
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Offences and Penalties
Payment of Tax
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Value of Supply
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Time Sheet
Section / Rule Number
11 Prohibition of associations and partnerships exceeding certain number
12 Mode of forming incorporated company
13 Requirements with respect to memorandum
14 Form of memorandum
15 Printing and signature of memorandum
15A Special provision as to alteration of memorandum consequent on alteration of name of state of madras
15B Special provision as to alteration of memorandum consequent on alteration of name of state of mysore
16 Alteration of memorandum
17 Special resolution and confirmation by central government required for alteration of memorandum
17A Change of registered office within a State
18 Alteration to be registered within three months
19 Effect of failure to register
20 Companies not to be registered with undesirable names
21 Change of name by company
22 Rectification of name of company
23 Registration of change of name and effect thereof
24 Change of name of existing private limited companies
25 Power to dispense with "limited" in name of charitable or other company
26 Articles prescribing regulations
27 Regulations required in case of unlimited company, company limited by guarantee or private company limited by shares
28 Adoption and application of table a in the case of companies limited by shares
29 Form of articles in the case of other companies
30 Form and signature of articles
31 Alteration of articles by special resolution
32 Registration of unlimited company as limited, etc
33 Registration of memorandum and articles
34 Effect of registration
35 Conclusiveness of certificate of incorporation
36 Effect of memorandum and articles
37 Provision as to companies limited by guarantee
38 Effects of alteration in memorandum or articles
39 Copies of memorandum and articles, etc., to be given to members
40 Alteration of memorandum or articles, etc., to be noted in every copy
41 Definition of "member"
42 Membership of holding company
43 Consequences of default in complying with conditions constituting a company a private company
43A Private company to become public company in certain cases
44 Prospectus or statement in lieu of prospectus to be filed by private company on ceasing to be private company
45 Members severally liable for debts where business carried on with fewer than seven, or in the case of a private company, two members
46 Form of contracts
47 Bills of exchange and promissory notes
48 Execution of deeds
49 Investments of company to be held in its own name
50 Power for company to have official seal for use outside india
51 Service of documents on company
52 Service of documents on registrar
53 Service of documents on members by company
54 Authentication of documents and proceedings
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