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Corporate Laws
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Tax Chit Chat
Direct Tax
Income Tax Act
Wealth Tax Act
Income Declaration Scheme 2016
Indirect Tax
Service Tax(Finance Act, 1994)
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
The Central Excise Act, 1944
Customs Act, 1962
Entry Tax Act
Corporate Laws
Companies Act, 2013
Companies Act, 1956
SEBI Act, 1992
VAT Laws
Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004
MVAT Act, 2002
West Bengal VAT Act, 2003
Tamilnadu VAT ACT, 2006
Karnataka Value Added Tax Act, 2003
Gujarat Value Added Tax Act, 2003
UP VAT Act, 2008
Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003
Punjab Value Added Tax Act
Haryana Value Added Tax Act
Telangana VAT Act 2005
Andhra Pradesh VAT Act, 2005
Bihar Value Added Tax Act, 2005
Other Statutes
ESI Act, 1948
PF Act, 1952
Profession Tax Act
The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Societies Registration Act, 1860
Competition Act, 2002
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
MRTP Act, 1969
Equalisation Levy Act, 2016
Right To Information Act, 2005
FEMA, 1999
Maharashtra RERA
RERA, 2016
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Benami Property Act 1988
GST Laws
IGST Act , 2017
CGST Tax Act, 2017
UTGST Act, 2017
GST (Compensation to States) Act
Direct Tax Rules
Income Tax Rules
Wealth Tax Rules 1957
Income Declaration Scheme Rules 2016
Indirect Tax Rules
GST Valuation Rules , 2016
Service Tax Rules
CST (Delhi) Rules, 2005
CST (Maharashtra) Rules
Customs Valuation Rules
Cenvat Credit Rules, 2017
Entry Tax Rules
Corporate Laws Rules
Companies Rules, 2014
LLP Rules, 2009
LLP Winding up Rules, 2012
Cos Unpaid Dividend Rules, 1978
VAT Laws Rules
Delhi VAT Rules, 2005
Maharashtra VAT Rules, 2005
West Bengal VAT Rules, 2005
Tamilnadu VAT Rules, 2007
Karnataka VAT Rules, 2005
Gujarat VAT Rules, 2006
Uttar Pradesh VAT Rules, 2008
Rajasthan VAT Rules, 2006
Punjab VAT Rules
Haryana VAT Rules, 2003
Telangana VAT Rules 2005
Andhra Pradesh VAT Rules, 2005
Bihar Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
Other Statutes
Profession Tax Rules
NBFC Deposits Directions, 1998
NBFC & Misc NBC (Advt) Rules, 1977
NBFC Auditor Report Directions, 2008
Delhi Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1997
Cost records and audit Rules, 2014
Baggage Rules, 2016
Equalisation Levy Rules, 2016
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Rules
Benami Property Rules, 2016
GST Rules
CGST Rules, 2017
IGST Rules 2017
Income Tax Forms
ROC Forms (Cos Act, 2013)
ROC Forms (Cos Act, 1956)
Income Declaration Forms
Wealth Tax Forms
Service Tax Forms
Companies Unpaid Dividend Forms
NBFCs Forms
LLP Winding up
FEMA Forms
LLP Forms
CGST Forms
GST Forms
Accounts and Records
Advance Ruling
Appeals and Revision
Assessment and Audit
Demands and Recovery
Input Tax Credit
Inspection, Search and Seizure
Offences and Penalties
Payment of Tax
Transitional Provisions
Value of Supply
Email Login
Time Sheet
Section / Rule Number
591 Application of sections 592 to 602 to foreign companies
592 Documents etc to be delivered to registrar by foreign companies carrying on business in india
593 Return to be delivered to Registrar by foreign company where documents, etc., altered
594 Accounts of foreign company
595 Obligation to state name of foreign company, whether limited, and country where incorporated
596 Service on foreign company
597 Office where documents to be delivered
598 Penalties
599 Company's failure to comply with part not to affect its liability under contracts, etc
600 Registration of charges, appointment of receiver and books of account
601 Fees for registration of documents under part
602 Interpretation of foregoing sections of part
603 Dating of prospectus and particulars to be contained therein
604 Provisions as to expert's consent and allotment
605 Registration of prospectus
605A Offer of Indian Depository Receipts
606 Penalty for contravention of sections 603, 604 and 605
607 Civil liability for mis-statements in prospectus
608 Interpretation of provisions as to prospectuses
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